About Marianne

Certified Jungian Life Coach

Let's get to know each other

Marianne Vergult, a Certified Jungian Life Coach is a passionate life-long seeker of spirituality, personal growth and healing. After a fulfilling career in education, she is now ready to fully embrace her passion of leading women to transform on a deep level into their own unique wild inner bliss.

She is on a mission to raise self-awareness and transform lives. She blends her knowledge of depth psychology, neuroscience and spirituality to help transform women into expressing their true power, essence and joy. She is passionate about living fully and discovering meaning and purpose in this precious gift of life. She is drawn to read and study topics on psychology and spirituality and can often be found attending the Jung Center for courses or listening to Jungian themed podcasts.

Through her own personal journey of healing and recovery, she initially founded Dance Your Ass Off in 2019 to help women tap into their ability to free themselves of trauma and cultivate more joy and connection through an expressive free dance movement experience.

Highly involved in a program for couples recovery, Marianne brings years of knowledge and experience to women who are interested in healing romantic relationships and recovering from codependency issues. She has also explored various avenues of healing modalities learning Reiki, tapping, other energy medicine techniques and most recently Jungian depth psychology.

In her free time she enjoys yoga, reading, travel and walking in nature. She is a creative soul who finds joy and healing by expressing herself through singing, song-writing, Soul Collage, and dancing freely.

What is Jungian Life Coaching?

Working with a Jungian coach can help you access your unconscious mind which shapes thoughts, behaviors, and relationships. The unconscious is deep and rich and unexplored by most people. Using shadow work, visualization, meditation, and exploration of emotions and triggers, you can tap into the richness of your true self to find the answers you need to transform your life.

By exploring the unconscious, you can gain insight into how to truly understand your responses to situations and relationships and how those responses impact your own sense of self. Coaching is not therapy, but an exploration of your own potential.

The focus is to expand the potential of what your mind can create from a more integrated understanding of who you really are, and to truly discover what is holding you back from creating the life of your dreams.

“Your visions will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.”